Monday, September 29, 2008
Show your card
We have planned a family trip to Michigan. The baby will be baptized up there in the chapel. G1 is buried next to the chapel. It is very important to the husband that the baby be baptized Catholic. I am not Catholic and therefor do not know all the rules. We met with the priest in May to discuss the details of the event. Everything is set. We must work out the details of the Godparents. One Godparent must be Catholic. In order to prove that you are indeed Catholic you must provide a card from your church. The priest asked that the Godparent present the card at the baptism. I guess you must be a card carrying catholic to qualify as a Godparent. Is there some kind of test you take to get the card? Do you pay a maintenance fee to keep the card? What do you do if your card is stolen? I am Lutheran and we were never given a card. Now about this card. Must you carry it with you at all times. Do you need it to get into heaven? Do you get 10% off at religious stores or religious events? The husband will have to handle all of G3's questions.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
First Play Date

My friend Melanie and her son Malcom stopped by today for a visit. It feels weird to have play dates with my friend's child. I knew her before marriage and before kids. We have many memories that I am sure we would not want to share with the children. Malcom is 5 months older than G3. He looks so big in the picture.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mom's little helper

G3 helped me make cookies. We baked cookies to thank my massage therapist for all her help during the pregnancy. I have known Sheila for awhile now. She massaged me when I was single, engaged, married, and pregnant. She can still look at me in the eyes with a straight face. She has not seen what my lovely post pregnancy body looks like. I am nervous about getting a post baby massage. What does one do to prevent your boobs from leaking during the massage. Do you tape the nipple shields on with duct tape? Do you wear the big nursing bra? I am just afraid that I will turnover half way through the massage and shoot her eye out with milk. I wonder if she gets hazard pay.
Shopping Trip
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Motherhood is not glamorous, but if you look closely it can be rewarding.

During our walk yesterday we met another mom and baby. She commented on G3 and I was polite to inquire about her child. We ended up talking and she lives just around the corner. She asked if we had ever done a playdate and if we were interested. She then mentioned we could swap numbers. This kind of felt like an akward dating experience. Who should call first? Do I wait for her call? Is there a waiting period? What does one do on a playdate?
Stroller Ettiquite
G3 and I went for a walk yesterday. It is the neighborhood's big trash week. The side walks and streets were littered with unwanted appliances, paint cans, furniture..etc. It was a constant obstacle course to maneuver the stroller on the sidewalk and then the street. I also noticed that the city can not be in compliance with curb cuts. Anyway, I was walking down a one way sidewalk when confronted with an oncoming stroller. Who has the right of way? Does the bigger stroller go first? The stroller with the youngest child? The stroller on the right yields to the stroller on the left.
Anyone know the answer?
Anyone know the answer?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Little Red Cheeks
First Bath
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Not on the good couch

Were you ever told not to use the good silverware, towels, furniture etc. as a child? I remember being told not to use the good scissors. I would think, so I am suppose to use the bad scissors. We took G3 to his grandmas house last night for dinner. She has a lime green couch with a note that specifically instructs you not to sit on it. Well, he sat on the couch. I don't think anyone has every sat on that couch in 50 years.
Anyway we were invited for dinner. The grandmother asked several times if I would feed the baby before we came over. I think she was afraid I would whip out my breast in the main dining room amongst the silver and china. I refrained from any breast exposure. Dinner was quit uneventful. The baby was well behaved.
What were your limits as a child?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Lack of Sleep

The Husband and I have not had a lot of sleep. A prime example (please let this be from no sleep) I requested the husband to pick up a baked chicken from the grocery store for dinner. I was too tired to cook. When he got home with the chicken, I asked that he put it in the toaster oven on warm. I went to feed G 3. Part way through the feeding a smelt something burning. There was smoke coming from the kitchen. He put the chicken in the oven. It was still in the plastic bag with the paper sticker. He went outside to mow.
I rescued the chicken with one hand. I was still feeding G3 and trying to keep him latched.
Will he ever let me sleep?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
First walk
Doctor Appointment

G3 had a follow up appointment today. His weight is up to 8 lbs 5 ounces and he grew 3/4 of an inch. We got an A for progress. I was worried that he was not getting enough breast milk. It's not like my breast has a meter on it that reads full tank, half tank...etc
*I am sorry for any people who googled breast and got to my website.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Baby Photo
G3 is now making his debut at Saint Johns Mercy Hospital, St. Louis Baby Nursery
Go check it out!
Go check it out!
Do you think anyone has died the death of breast milk explosion electrocution style by laptop?
G3's song of the day
I will not nurse the right breast today.
I will not nurse it no way.
I will maybe nurse the left breast.
If I am feeling good I guess.
G3's song of the day
I will not nurse the right breast today.
I will not nurse it no way.
I will maybe nurse the left breast.
If I am feeling good I guess.
The Circ
To circ or not to circ... The husband prefers that we circ G3. After having it done I would have preferred letting him go all natural. The kid did not eat for a day and a half. He then developed jaundice and had to go under the billy light. He lost over a pound and would not eat. It was so horrible. I even got into an argument with the nurse. I asked if we could give him more Tylenol and she said that he didn't need it. Well, I am the parent and if I think my child is in pain then he will have Tylenol. She was nice to me the rest of the shift after I spoke with the charge nurse. What does she know? I have shoes older than her.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
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