When staying at a hotel it is a necessity to valet and have the bellman bring up your luggage... Next at check in request a
refrigerator and a crib. Make sure to bring plenty of used blankets from home to place in the crib. This will help comfort the baby. While waiting for the fridge to get cool you can fill the sink with ice and place the bottles in the sink. The sink can also be filled with hot water to warm a bottle. Use one of the beds as a changing station. You can set up your diapers, wipes, butt cream etc... If your baby requires a bath, then place a towel at the bottom of the tub. You know those tubs are
dirty. I also rolled towels to place around the baby for support. The baby will think this is fun... Your back and knees will not. To block out the door slamming, phone ringing, drunk talking neighbors turn the radio on. Set it to an in between station where you get
fuzz. This white noise will do the trick. If it is winter and the hotel is dry, simply turn the shower on hot. Let it run for a few hours leaving the bathroom door open. This will allow the moisture to flow into the room. After all it is about keeping the baby comfortable. A sleeping baby is a quiet baby.
Carry On!