Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Preschool Party 2010

Party food preschool style

Pumpkin painting with a sponge

Practicing the parade wave

Lining up to march

G3 and his girlfriend Abby

Mom and G3


Preschool Party Prep

I get to be a room mom for the preschool Halloween Party! The parade starts at 10:00 and the party starts at 12:00 today.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boo! Happy Halloween to You

Paint your feet white...

Press them on the paper

Boo Boo Boo
Happy Halloween to you
No need to be shocked
These two stinky ghosts are now socked!

The Itsy Bitsy Spider...Cookie

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Giraffe Costume Halloween 2010

walking like a giraffe

Playing in the leaves.

Halloween Crafts

Scary paper plate ghost! Boo!

Ghost made out of beans.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trip around town


oohhh look at the waterfall



boat yard wheel barrel

chicken coop

Llama farm

G2 and G3 at fishtown

Tee Time

Crooked Maple Farm

G3 and Howie on the John Deere

Henry chasing G3 and Howie

G3 at the Vineyard on the farm

in the chicken chicken chicken

in the scoop

the Belarus with farm er kropp