Sunday, November 27, 2011

Life Has Forever Changed

I have contemplated on writing this in my blog. After all this a story of my son's life. Last week I was diagnosed with Anaplastic Large T Cell Lymphoma AKL Negative. That was the day my heart and soul broke. I will never be the same. Tomorrow I fight the biggest battle of my life, I begin chemotherapy. G3 and I have been speaking that mommy is sick. He even went to the oncologist with me. He shook the docs hand and introduced himself. He told the doc his full name and then asked when mommy would get better. He looks everyday at my bandages and says, " there still there." We have been talking about hair loss and as much as I loathe Sponge Bob Square Pants they had a show about wigs. We used that as a teachable moment. I have been wearing a black skull cap in the house off and on. I am trying to get him used to the fact that I will not have hair and/or be desensitized to bank robbers. How do you get a three year old ready? How do I get myself ready? I would like to share a story that a patient once shared with me. Let's call him Danny. Danny said, "When I was in Vietnam I asked the officer if it was time to shoot." He said, "No not yet." "Wait until 2:00." Danny asked, "Why 2:00?" The officer replied, " My mother prays for me everyday at 2:00." So I will ask if you too you pray for me at 10:00 tomorrow? Chemotherapy is scheduled to start at 10:00. It would be nice to have company.

Thank you in advance. I have to figure out which stilettos to wear for chemotherapy in the morning. Does Jimmy Choo make shoes to go with my port?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

This is the sixth pumpkin we had for Halloween. The other pumpkins were eaten by the squirrels. This pumpkin was rescued by grandmom and papa.

We carved him tonight and will keep him inside to protect him from the squirrels.

Very proud of his pumpkin. G3 said, hey squirrel I want to talk to you. He wants to protect this pumpkin.