Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Are you there God, G3 is teething?
No one told me that they get teeth. Geesh! G3 is fussy non stop and wants to be held. I found a teething ring we got as a gift from the baby shower. Teething rings should come in packs of two. Once that one warms up, its no good. I did try a cool wash cloth that I kept in the fridge. That helped. We are using Tylenol and baby orajel. I have promised him a pony, a sports car and a motorcycle. Just please stop crying.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas eve 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Smells like Cabbage

Well, hats off to Dr. Forseter. I questioned him on his technique to stop breast milk production. I even demanded a bottle of pills. He recommended I try cabbage. I tried the pills first. The pills made me very sick. The cabbage worked like magic. I smelt a little funny, but it worked. You use garlic to keep the vampires away. You use cabbage to keep the milk fairy away. Hey whatever works.
First Cereal
Toilet Paper
Why is it that he can never replase the toliet paper? I get the call that he is out of toilet paper. I brave the smell and deliver the toilet paper. He always leaves me hanging. I have to waddle to the closet to get a new roll. Sometimes with the baby in tow. Well, you know what I am going to say next time.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
G3 and Ella
Did I shave my legs for this?
Adjusting to married life, a new baby, and returning to work has not been easy. There is so much to juggle and it seems that I am running in circles at times. I finally figured out the babies new feeding schedule and last night he slept until 7:30 am. I took off work early yesterday and let the nanny watch the baby. The husband and I went to happy hour. I had water, but it was happy hour. This seemed to make the husband very happy. I also went to the doc to get the Mirena implanted. I am not sure how to tell the husband. He thinks I am a baby factory and wants another baby right away. I figured its my vagina my business. We have the teacher coming to day to evaluate G3. Hopefully he will impress her with his ability to drool, smile, and pass gas at the same time. Stay tuned.
That's all. Carry on!
That's all. Carry on!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas at the Gatesworth

We had Christmas with Grandma Budke tonight. They had Mimes, jugglers, stilt walkers, and carolers. It was quit an event. G3 was a big hit. He was awake the whole time. We took lots of pictures and he let everyone ohh and ahh. He also let his little cheeks get squeezed. He did wet his diaper during dinner. I told him not to worry. I am sure he wasn't the only one in the crowd with a wet diaper.
Friday, December 12, 2008
G3 talkin
G3 has found his voice. He is loud out times. He talks non-stop in the morning and when I get home from work. I can't wait to hear momma.
Untitled from stacey budke on Vimeo.
Untitled from stacey budke on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The pink slip
So this was my first week back at work from maternity leave. Needless to say I faced some challenges, but all in all it wasn't that bad. When I found out I was pregnant I was nervous to tell my boss. He is not the sensitive type. He also thought that I wouldn't need more than 2 weeks off. When I called to tell him that I had a c-section, he thought I might need 4. During maternity leave I received numerous phone calls and emails about work. I worked on maternity leave without pay. I thought I was a loyal committed employee. My employer thought I was a sucker. Friday my boss came in and told me that they are eliminating my job. There is another job available. The pay is 10,000 less and the work load is 12 months not 10. Instead of working with one department of clients I will not work with several. I have until Monday to tell him if I want it. I think he wanted me to thank him for the offer. I was so offended. I have to find a new job.
Does anyone have any openings?
Does anyone have any openings?
Monday, December 1, 2008
When maternity leave ends...

Well I had to put my big girl panties on and go back to work today. It was so hard. As much as I long for adult conversation and long lunches, I missed G3. I cried all the way to work and I couldn't wait to get home. It takes so much longer to get ready in the morning and I have a boat load more of stuff to take with me. I have to pack the breast pump, breast pump tubing, storage bottles, breast shields, lunch, water, and a couple hundred baby pictures. Too bad Coach doesn't make a bag for my breast pump. It is weird to hear my co-workers talking and student's walking outside my door while I pump. A co-worker asked if he could stash his leftovers in my fridge. I said sure there is room next to the breast milk.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Holiday reflection

This was my first Thanksgiving as a wife and a mother. A time to start holiday traditions. I was fortunate to spend the holiday close to home and in good health. This holiday made me reflect on my own childhood Thanksgiving traditions. We always left the state and went to my grandparents. We would leave Wednesday after school. It was so exciting loading in the car with my little brother. I couldn't wait until we were halfway there and we stopped for dinner. I would usually sleep the rest of the way. When we arrived Grandma and Grandpa would be waiting for us. It was late at night, but they were always so excited to see us. I remember feeling so special. The house would smell of baked cookies and homemade fudge. We would visit for a little while and then settle in for the night.
Grandma would get up early in the morning to get the turkey in. The house would smell so good when I woke up. A cross of turkey and coffee. The anticipation of the rest of the family had me so excited. It meant loud noise, laughter, and teasing. Uncle Mark would come and always give me a big hug. I would get to see my cousin Crystal. I usually only saw her once a year. Danny would show up next. He was always drinking a mountain dew and full of energy. Aunt Carole would arrive and fight me for the fudge. Then there was Aunt Susie. God love Aunt Susie. You could tell her anything. Nothing would shock her and she was always on your side. You could feel the love and happiness in the house. We were truly blessed to all be together. Some of us would watch the parade and others would play football or basketball outside. Most Thanksgivings we had snow.
We usually celebrated Christmas at this time. Grandma had a huge Christmas tree at her house in Ashley. We would exchange gifts and eat the Turkey dinner. After dinner we would play UNO or Scrabble. These games were very competitive. Everyone always checking to make sure the other didn't cheat. Later in the evening the whole family would go bowling. This was an activity that the adults and kids could do. It was so much fun.
Our family has changed and grown apart. Thanksgivings of that caliber do not exist anymore. Only in memory. I hope to start some new traditions with my immediate family. Yesterday was a good start. We had turkey, games, and pumpkin pie. I am thankful for the past Thanksgivings and I look forward to the future.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
But officer I just got this car
I had to make a mad dash to Target' to get pampers and wipes. We were dangerously low. So low that when the second to last diaper's tab ripped off during the change I was forced to use tape. On the way back from the store I was pleased that we made it through the store with no melt downs. I guess I forgot to signal a couple of times. The nice officer decided to stop me. He asked if there was a reason I did not signal. I said that I just got this car and I have not had the opportunity to figure out all the controls. His response, " Well mam turn signals are standard on cars." Hmmm who knew. I promised that I would signal from now on. He told me to try to be more careful.
A new use for the litter box scooper

G3 has a night routine in which he gets a bath, a massage, a story, and then the boob. During our nightly bath G3 decided to completely relax. Well, he relaxed a little too much and let everything go. I totally lost it and screamed for the husband. What do you do in these situations?
Do you:
A: Pretend nothing happened and continue the bath.
B: Grab the baby and call it a night.
C: Flush the water and floaters down the toilet and refill the tub.
D: Teach the baby how to use the litter box scooper and remove the floaters.
What do you think I did?
Do you:
A: Pretend nothing happened and continue the bath.
B: Grab the baby and call it a night.
C: Flush the water and floaters down the toilet and refill the tub.
D: Teach the baby how to use the litter box scooper and remove the floaters.
What do you think I did?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
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