This was my first Thanksgiving as a wife and a mother. A time to start holiday traditions. I was fortunate to spend the holiday close to home and in good health. This holiday made me reflect on my own childhood Thanksgiving traditions. We always left the state and went to my grandparents. We would leave Wednesday after school. It was so exciting loading in the car with my little brother. I couldn't wait until we were halfway there and we stopped for dinner. I would usually sleep the rest of the way. When we arrived Grandma and Grandpa would be waiting for us. It was late at night, but they were always so excited to see us. I remember feeling so special. The house would smell of baked cookies and homemade fudge. We would visit for a little while and then settle in for the night.
Grandma would get up early in the morning to get the turkey in. The house would smell so good when I woke up. A cross of turkey and coffee. The anticipation of the rest of the family had me so excited. It meant loud noise, laughter, and teasing. Uncle Mark would come and always give me a big hug. I would get to see my cousin Crystal. I usually only saw her once a year. Danny would show up next. He was always drinking a mountain dew and full of energy. Aunt Carole would arrive and fight me for the fudge. Then there was Aunt Susie. God love Aunt Susie. You could tell her anything. Nothing would shock her and she was always on your side. You could feel the love and happiness in the house. We were truly blessed to all be together. Some of us would watch the parade and others would play football or basketball outside. Most Thanksgivings we had snow.
We usually celebrated Christmas at this time. Grandma had a huge Christmas tree at her house in Ashley. We would exchange gifts and eat the Turkey dinner. After dinner we would play UNO or Scrabble. These games were very competitive. Everyone always checking to make sure the other didn't cheat. Later in the evening the whole family would go bowling. This was an activity that the adults and kids could do. It was so much fun.
Our family has changed and grown apart. Thanksgivings of that caliber do not exist anymore. Only in memory. I hope to start some new traditions with my immediate family. Yesterday was a good start. We had turkey, games, and pumpkin pie. I am thankful for the past Thanksgivings and I look forward to the future.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
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