The husband and I went to visit a new OBGYN. Purposely I did not share with the doc that we did not want to know the gender of the baby. I wanted to know, the husband wanted to wait until delivery. My uterus equals my business. The doc announced that he saw a penis. Immediately the husband and the doc exchange high fives. They begin cheering over my half naked body. The husband immediately picks up his cell phone to call everyone. I am still lying on the table trying to absorb the fact that life as I know it has changed. I will be responsible for a little man. I will be out numbered. It will forever be two to one. As the doctor leaves I wipe the goo off my belly, and my husband heads out to the nurses station. He begins to announce "It's a boy" to everyone who can hear him. I was waiting for the marching band and parade music to begin.
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