Warning picture overload. We took are first road trip to Indiana. G3 was able to meet all my family from Indy.

First pit stop. We made it to Indiana. There were signs hanging everywhere reminding you to wash your hands to avoid the Swine flu.

We had to refuel at McDonald's. G3 enjoyed the move able highchair and the outdoor playground.

Down the slide. Weeee!

G3 got to meet his great grandmother for the first time. I have many stories to tell him about my summers at Gram cracker's house. We all went to dinner at Richards Restaurant. I can remember many Friday dinners there with Grandma and Grandpa. I always got dessert.

G3 with Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Ryan.
G3 and Aunt Carol!

G3 with his second cousins, Brittany and Alyssa. Don't tell Aunt Carol we sat on her counter.

G3 and Aunt Susie. They played and read books together. They both wrinkle their nose when they laugh.

First morning in the hotel. We were all still tired.

This is the bed where G3 was suppose to sleep.

This is where he slept. Right next to momma.

G3 getting a bath from Grandma.

Hello! I am your second cousin G3. You can wear my hat. Thanks my name is Kayden. Welcome to the family.

Think of all the fun we can have. I bet we could take them and go out on the town.

Come on let's go!

G3 and Aunt Sara.

G3 and Uncle Mark and Aunt Tami.

We made a final pit stop on the way home at a rest area. They had neat playground equipment. The only problem was that it was made with big holes. This was not conducive to heels, but being super mom I continued on.

And down the slide we went.

And through the tunnel.
1 comment:
Hey why is my picture so small!! it was great seeing you !! G3 and Kayden are going to be best buds!! the pics are great i stoled alot of them! cant wait to see you again
Love Aunt Carole
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