One year ago I looked like this...

Here I am. The winner of the life lottery. Sitting in the Emergency Room clueless as to why I have been sick for three days. The husband leaves to go to the "best sandwich shop" while I sit and wait in limbo for test results. Nurse scissor hands comes in with nurse ratchet to announce with glee that I do not have a rare disease. She says, "Honey your pregnant." She states this like she is welcoming me to the secret club. In total disbelief I debate the fact. Hm mm, basic biology. Frantic call is placed to the husband. Husband argues that he has been in line for 45 minutes and he is now next. Bursting into tears I explain he needs to hurry back to the ER. Husband arrives and I tell him to sit down. Taking a deep breath I announce "We're Pregnant." Calm and collected the husband says," Cool can I go get my sandwich?" Stunned I try to remember just when I became the owner of the winning ticket.
by hell on heels
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