Good morning birthday boy!

Birthday Party at the Park.

Mommy stayed up all night making cookies shaped like the number 1 and the letter G.

What a crowd!

Nanna is so excited to be with you at your party!

Family photo at the park. Happy Birthday G3! We love you.

G3 and Ella. So what's it like to be one?

Well, it's not so bad.. Two is better..Remember I'm older...

Miller and G3.

Cake! For me?

It's on Fire!

MMMM! Good Cake!

Did you want some?

Go ahead. I'll share.

What does it taste like upside down?

I'm getting outta here. This place is a mess!

G3 with Will. A train!

My own computer! Thanks mamma and papa!

Look at all those toys!
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