Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Birthday G3

Good morning birthday boy!

Birthday Party at the Park.

Mommy stayed up all night making cookies shaped like the number 1 and the letter G.

What a crowd!

Nanna is so excited to be with you at your party!

Family photo at the park. Happy Birthday G3! We love you.

G3 and Ella. So what's it like to be one?

Well, it's not so bad.. Two is better..Remember I'm older...

Miller and G3.

Cake! For me?

It's on Fire!

MMMM! Good Cake!

Did you want some?

Go ahead. I'll share.

What does it taste like upside down?

I'm getting outta here. This place is a mess!

G3 with Will. A train!

My own computer! Thanks mamma and papa!

Look at all those toys!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

We survived 1 year!

It's hard to believe G3 will be 1 year. I feel like I should win a prize like on Survivor. This has been by far the hardest year of my life. This was harder than recovery from an MVA that left me in a coma. Harder than freshman year of college.. harder than sorority initiation..harder than rugby initiation...harder than defending my thesis...harder than getting married without my family... you get the point... We will be celebrating tomorrow at the park...details and pics to follow. Check out the show on Flickr.

Hell on Heels

Click on slide show and enjoy the show!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today I look like this...

Count down to G 3's big birthday

One year ago I looked like this...

Here I am. The winner of the life lottery. Sitting in the Emergency Room clueless as to why I have been sick for three days. The husband leaves to go to the "best sandwich shop" while I sit and wait in limbo for test results. Nurse scissor hands comes in with nurse ratchet to announce with glee that I do not have a rare disease. She says, "Honey your pregnant." She states this like she is welcoming me to the secret club. In total disbelief I debate the fact. Hm mm, basic biology. Frantic call is placed to the husband. Husband argues that he has been in line for 45 minutes and he is now next. Bursting into tears I explain he needs to hurry back to the ER. Husband arrives and I tell him to sit down. Taking a deep breath I announce "We're Pregnant." Calm and collected the husband says," Cool can I go get my sandwich?" Stunned I try to remember just when I became the owner of the winning ticket.

by hell on heels

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today's pics brought to you by Grants Farm...

Hey Miller! We are at the farm. We get to see animals and I hear that they have free beer.

I think that trurtle is moving faster than this line!

Trurtle Turtle Turtle

The chickens are headed for the trees.

Hmmm. Donkey Donkey Donkey

The horse says Neigh! I need a bucket of oats.

First family trip to Grants Farm. No animals were hurt during this trip!

Round and round on the carousel.

I hope this is over soon. I don't remember this ever making me sick. I am getting old.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Backyard family fun!

Catch this!

I got this one!
I didn't do it!

She loves me...

She loves me not...

of course she loves me...she's my mom...

G3 celebrating mommy's birthday at Chevy's

Happy Birthday Momma! Bring on the Margaritas!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gymboree Graduation

Peekaboo tunnel

Mastering the slide

Peekaboo with gymbo

Saturday, August 15, 2009

G3 and the big bear 11 months

For those of you keeping score at home... thanks... I forgot to post the 11 month shot... Here it is.