Sunday, August 31, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Rocking The Gown

We just got checked in. I love my gown.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Push Him Out, Push Him Out Way Out!

We are scheduled for an induction sometime tomorrow. Can you believe the hospital calls you and gives you a half hour window to come in? I told the nurse she was nuts and that I have many other choices of hospitals to select from. They said I would be first on the call list. Also, I have my own hospital gown. I plan on wearing it during labor and then doing a quick wardrobe change before giving birth. She acted like I was insane. Even James brown had like four wardrobe changes at his funeral. She told me to limit my luggage. Is she can weigh it like the airlines? I wonder if insurance covers this. This hospital is suppose to be known as the baby factory. Maybe the emphasis is on factory and not on customer service. Email me if you want to know the name of the hospital. I am off to get a manicure and a pedicure.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Preparing for labor

So the husband and I have been nesting all day. The husband is at the golf course. He says the good doc recommended it and that it is okay. Hmmm! I cleaned out the refrigerator and the freezer. Everything is organized alphabetically and by category. I then moved on to the pantry. Each can and box are all in their place. I went to the grocery store and stocked up on bread, milk,toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, Tide and water. I don't know if I am preparing for a baby or a snow storm. Then the cooking started. I have made homemade croutons, sugar cookies, and peanut butter cookies. I also sliced fresh peaches and used the food saver to freeze them in individual bags. I am contemplating making homemade spaghetti sauce with our homegrown tomatoes.

This afternoon I worked on squats and stretches to prepare for child birth. I wonder if you can inject your vagina with steroids. Probably not. Just a thought. I did have someone recommend an herbal tea to strengthen the uterus for childbirth. Steroids/herbal tea. Tomorrow we have an appointment with the good doc. Wish me luck. I think I am going to take a nap.

Bring your zoloft

The husband and I have been trying to adapt the neurotic cat to the coming addition. When I was 5 months the cat completely lost his mind. The cat therapist, yes I said cat therapist, said that the cat can sense my hormone change. The cat believes the husband is now the alpha. He will not listen to me. I rescued him from the humane society. The husband hates the cat. We have followed some techniques recommended by the cat whisperer. The cat thought the nursery was his. We would find him rocking in the glider. The cat would fall asleep in the sitting room with me. I would leave the room to do something. The cat would wake up in a panic and scream until he found me. They said he might need an antidepressant and regular appointments with the therapist. I hope all goes well when we arrive home with G3. Anyone have any tips? Please leave a comment.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Giving the elephant a run for its money

Elephants are the largest land animals.[1] The elephant's gestation period is 22 months, the longest of any land animal. At birth it is common for an elephant calf to weigh 120 kilograms (260 lb).

Well today I feel like the largest land animal. I also believe this baby is never coming out.

I woke the husband up this morning to go for a walk with me. He says," But I just walked with you last night." Even dogs get to walk more than once a day.

Maybe I should go hang out at the zoo to get some comfort from the elephants.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Has anyone read the Poem Monday's Child?

Monday's child is fair of face.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is full of woe.
Thursday's child has far to go.
Friday's child is loving and giving.
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.

I keep having this vision that my baby will be born on Wednesday. He will look at me and say, " Mom I am full of woe." Maybe that's just the counselor in me.

Let me know your thoughts by clicking on the comment section. What day were you born? Does it matter?

Your lease Is Up

I had the doctor stick a memo on the cervix. It read Dear G3 Please have all your belongings including your placenta out of the uterus by August 29th. Thank you. Management. aka mom...

Anyway if the baby does not come on his own we will be induced on August 29th. Hopefully it will not be a long drawn out affair. Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

An eventful doctor visit

Went to the doc today for my weekly check up. Found out that I am 1centimeter. The baby is in position. After the exam I had a lot of bleeding. The doctor sent me to the hospital to be monitored. The husband lost it. He dropped me at the hospital and went home to get the bags. I called my mom to join me at the hospital. She said she would be right there. After getting checked in to the evaluation unit and put on monitors, I called the husband. He lost the car keys. It turns out he thought he needed to take the trash out and threw the keys in the trash. It was also with great importance that he shower and shave. He wanted to look nice for the baby. Meanwhile I am being examined and monitored for an hour. The baby looks good. I call mom and she was so nervous she got on the wrong highway. She was my back up for the husband. I guess I need a third back up. It turns out I just need to rest for a little while. I was released to go home. No baby today.

Pre Labor Sucks

Spent my birthday in pre labor. Contractions and back pain all day. I finally called the doctor and we agreed to try and stop it. I mean it was my birthday. The good doc recommended that I take a warm bath and two Tylenol. Go to dinner with the husband and have glass of red wine. Well, that all worked. I had half a glass of wine and felt great. Dinner was wonderful. What a way to celebrate my birthday. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Guess what arrived today

Had a horrible day at work. Came home to find my hospital gown that I ordered on line. According to everything you read, no one goes to the hospital without their own gown. I ordered my gown from MODERN MUMMY. It even has my initials monogrammed on the front. It is official. We have the gown, the bags packed, and the car seat installed. Now we just wait. Anybody have any ideas on how to speed this up?

My cervix is not up by my aorta

I had a very non productive check up. The baby has decided to disengage from the cervix and float around. He is healthy and breathing fine. Plenty of fluid and the placenta looks great. Basically he is enjoying his time in the spa. The doctor had to stick his arm up to his elbow to check my cervix. The last time I checked my cervix was not up by my aorta. He says this may be uncomfortable. HMM! You think. No change in my cervix from last week. Doc says everything looks fine down here. Well, I will have to take his word for it. I have not seen that region for awhile. I do have a great lady who helps with the bikini waxes. It is getting harder and harder to crawl up on the table. After all I do not want the baby to be born in a brush fire.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Easy as Pie

Do you think this will influence the doctor to induce? I have an appointment tomorrow. Think good dilated thoughts.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

extreme nesting

Nesting is a strong desire that has overcome every aspect of my life. No room is safe in my house. It started in the kitchen. The refrigerator is not only alphabetically, but in condiment categories. Don't even think of putting the dressing next to the mustard. The husband did this and it created mad caos in the fridge. Not to mention 45 minutes of tears on my part. The canned goods are all alphabetized as well. I cleaned the oven with a tooth brush. The dinning room, television room, and sitting room have also had an over all. And one knows that new toilet seats are a must. The new baby will examine those right away. My latest victim has been the husband and the balcony. I just wanted the balcony painted. It lead to replacing some boards. Now all the windows need to be painted as well. What was suppose to be a 3 day deal is now on the third week. I do not recommend an outdoor overhaul this late in the game. We have tarps and paint everywhere.

Your cervix is ajar....

How do you know when you are dilated? Is it like when the car door is left open? Will something in my body tell me my cervix is ajar? Maybe I will be like a turkey and my belly button will pop out. Just like the red turkey timer. I have been having contractions and cramping off and on all day. Maybe the baby knows that we had the car seats installed today. He might be getting ready.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Are you there God, It's me I'm still pregnant?

I never knew this last stretch of pregnancy would be so hard. The anticipation of the pain and of the arrival of the new baby. I am huge and moody. I don't like how I feel. I thought the baby blues set in after the arrival. I think I also have the husband blues. The husband is not very understanding and is self absorbed during this time. I am frustrated with his need to go out " one last time." He has done this several times for several weeks. Leaving me alone and miserable.

The doctor said today that I am dilated. He would induce on the 28th of August if I do not start the process on my own. No sooner. The baby looks fine and we could see him breathing. He is estimated to be at 5lbs 6ounces. We only have one more week of baby school.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby School Drop Out

The husband and I have been attending baby school. The instructor is an RN who had worked labor and delivery for 20+years. After attending the class I now understand why she does not work the floor. Her opinion of child birth differs from mine. We have had several class discussions on her views from child birth to breast feeding. This woman truly believes that to be an empowered woman you must deliver with no pain medication. I told her that I can feel empowered getting a good deal on a pair of shoes. She would be my worst nightmare during delivery. The husband has resorted to bribery to keep me in class. He says we are not quitters. What would our baby think if we dropped out of baby school?

I have attached some ultrasound snap shots.