Friday, February 18, 2011

Children's Hospital and other fun events

It took many practice tries, but he will now use the mask.

Happy to get x-rays. He was able to talk the nurse out of six stickers.

You want me to do what?
So G3 picked up some kind of virus. He was having trouble breathing Wednesday night. He would wake up and say help, breathe , hurts momma. It was scary. I took him to the pediatrician and she sent us out for xrays at Children's Hospital. We ended up being discharged home. This required us to give him nebulizer treatments every 4 hours. I though deal. We get to go home. The insurance did not. They would cover the liquid medicine for the nebulizer, but not the nebulizer. They believed he could use an inhaler. I bought the inhaler and then proceeded to wish unhappy thoughts on the insurance people. I am happy to report he is in better spirits. I am tired from giving the every 4 hour treatments. He is a trooper and announces after each treatment, "I all better."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Breakfast

Dear God, Please let my Valentine bring me lots of chocolate.

MMM Heart shaped waffles with sprinkles and bacon!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Note from the teacher

Cupcakes with sprinkles
Train cupcakes.... I choo choose you!

The requested cookies.

Dear Mrs Budke,

The students have requested 32 cookies and cupcakes.

Thanks in advance,

PDO Teacher

Hmmm. They have my number.

Happy Valentine's Day 2011

Blowing Kisses

Blast from the past...G3's first Valentine's Day

G3 is going to celebrate his first Valentine's Day. He is looking for the perfect Valentine. Here are some of his criteria:
Must be a female 3-9 months of age... older women are okay with me
Hair is not important... as I am still growing mine.
Teeth are okay... I do not have any yet, but I am working on it...please no gold teeth
Weight is not an I am embracing this stage of my life
Must enjoy music... I have Baby Einstein on heavy rotation on my ipod
Baby sign language a plus
If you want to stay in my crib you must bring your own swaddle is not nice to swipe someones swaddle in the middle of the night....
Here is a little info about me:
I am 5months and 1week.
I am in the 90% for weight, so there is a lot of me to love.
I am 27 inches tall, but most of the time I am sitting or lying down. Height is not a problem.
I have full cheeks and big blue eyes.
My hair is coming in blond.
I sleep through the night, so if you are a night owl you need not apply.
I don't mess around at mealtime and I don't share my food.
My mom makes the best bottles so ladies you have some heavy competition.
Hope to hear from you soon!

Monday, February 7, 2011

L is for Love

Cut out the letter "L" Add color

Put pictures of people you love.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl 2011

Making the football

Attaching the base and practicing our Roman Numbers

Go Steelers! Black and Yellow!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snowday 2011

First time on a sled


Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Love You!

G3 says "I love you everyday" That always makes me laugh and I say everyday even tomorrow. Everyday mom. That just warms my heart.

Happy Chinese New Year! 2011--Year of the Rabbit

Gold paint for the Chinese New Year Fish

Become one with the art

Dear God, Please make this a good new year.

The making of a dragon

The golden fish

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentine Hugs 2011

We have many family members far away, so we will be mailing our valentine cards

First trace your hands and cut them out.

Measure with ribbon the length from hand to hand with your arms stretched out.

Tack the ribbon on to each hand. This resembles a hug.

You can mail these valentine hugs

A valentine hug for you
Wrap these hands around you whenever I'm away,
So you can have a hug from me anytime of day!
You can sing the "Hug Song"
Tune "Farmer in the Dell"
I made this hug for you
To cheer you when you're blue
High-Ho the Derry oh
I made this hug for you!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Groundhogs Day! 2011

Groundhog and a cup

Mr. Groundhog---Tune Fr ere Jacques
Mr. Groundhog, Mr. Groundhog
Are you there? Are you there?
Will you see your shadow?
We all want to know
On this day, Groundhog Day.

Groundhog Cupcakes....okay just go with it. We made them for school tomorrow only to find that school is called off for snow.

Valentine Count Down

Chocolate Kiss behind every day...

I think he likes it!