Tuesday, July 29, 2008

But officer I have to pee

Well this morning officer "too big for his pants" pulls me over for driving 72 mph in a 60 mph zone. He asks me why I am in a hurry. I explain to him that I have to pee. He looks at me and says, "Maybe you should have thought about that before you left your house." I explained to him that I am 34 weeks pregnant. He asks me if I have a medical note documenting my condition. Trying not to lose my cool, I reply " I guess I could carry in my glove box the nice little stick I urinated on in the hospital." Mr. charming did not find that comment amusing. He came back with a ticket. He then informed that I should purchase a seat belt extender. I wonder if he uses this himself.

Later tonight I have a dinner engagement with MILDEW. It is also going to be 98 degrees today. If this does not send me into labor, then I don't know what will.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Your stories are great. Keep up the great work. How are you feeling?

How was your first day back to work? Keep cool.

send me your e-mail address so we can keep talking. Miss you. :)
