Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did I shave my legs for this?

Adjusting to married life, a new baby, and returning to work has not been easy. There is so much to juggle and it seems that I am running in circles at times. I finally figured out the babies new feeding schedule and last night he slept until 7:30 am. I took off work early yesterday and let the nanny watch the baby. The husband and I went to happy hour. I had water, but it was happy hour. This seemed to make the husband very happy. I also went to the doc to get the Mirena implanted. I am not sure how to tell the husband. He thinks I am a baby factory and wants another baby right away. I figured its my vagina my business. We have the teacher coming to day to evaluate G3. Hopefully he will impress her with his ability to drool, smile, and pass gas at the same time. Stay tuned.

That's all. Carry on!

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