Monday, April 13, 2009

First overnight with the grandparents....

Little G3 had his first night away from home. He spent the night the his grandparents. I had never spent a night away from him before. It was harder on me than on him. The husband and I went out for dinner and then came home and went to bed. We are so old.

Grandma and Grandpa took plenty of pictures to document this occasion. Does he look spoiled or what. He got new clothes, toys, and a new sippy cup. He also helped to bake the Easter Cake.

The separation role from being my mother's daughter and son's mother is a fine line. I trust my mother with my son. However, I did pack the whole nursery to send with him. I wanted his stay to be comfortable and I wanted it to be easy for the grandparents. I just felt like something was completely missing when he was gone. I went into his room and stared at the empty crib. I can not imagine how my life was before I had him. He feels a space in my life that was empty. I have very great memories of the weekends I spent with my grandparents. The evenings going out to restaurants, special snacks, new toys, and late night television. I got to listen to them tell stories of their childhood. Well, I also got to hear stories about my parents. I hope G3 gets to have many moments with his grandparents.

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