Sunday, August 10, 2008

extreme nesting

Nesting is a strong desire that has overcome every aspect of my life. No room is safe in my house. It started in the kitchen. The refrigerator is not only alphabetically, but in condiment categories. Don't even think of putting the dressing next to the mustard. The husband did this and it created mad caos in the fridge. Not to mention 45 minutes of tears on my part. The canned goods are all alphabetized as well. I cleaned the oven with a tooth brush. The dinning room, television room, and sitting room have also had an over all. And one knows that new toilet seats are a must. The new baby will examine those right away. My latest victim has been the husband and the balcony. I just wanted the balcony painted. It lead to replacing some boards. Now all the windows need to be painted as well. What was suppose to be a 3 day deal is now on the third week. I do not recommend an outdoor overhaul this late in the game. We have tarps and paint everywhere.

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